Are you fulfilling your security ‘duty of care’ to your staff?: Chris Phillips – CEO and Founder, The International Protect and Prepare Security Office
• Who is responsible?
• Looking after your staff and customers
• What have you done?
• Have you done enough to give them the information to keep them safe?
• Simple tips to protect your people and your assets.
Chris will follow his presentation with a 30-minute round table discussion which will focus on examining good practice in and outside the workplace.
More about Chris…
Chris Phillips is CEO and Founder of IPPSO ltd (The International Protect and Prepare Security Office) and has over 39 years experience in policing, Counter Terrorism security advising corporate, government and private clients across the world. Leading the UK’s National Counter Terrorism Security Office he developed and delivered the CT Crowded places strategy.
He has delivered training, run projects and operations across the world. A regular commentator for the international press, television and radio on terrorism, policing, risk, security and espionage matters, he has written numerous ‘good practice guides, made film based training courses and is frequently invited as keynote speaker at international conferences and summits.
Chris is a fellow of the Security Institute and of the Chartered international Institute of Risk and Security Management.
Round 2 – Is SCA really here and how can retailers embrace the change?: Ed Whitehead – Managing Director, EMEA, Signifyd
Watch Ed’s brief introductory video…
Under the legislation of PSD2, all online retailers will have to apply SCA to the vast majority of their online transactions after the enforcement date of 14 September 2020. A common perception is that 3DS2 is the way to perform SCA, but this is known to create friction and cause drop off at checkout. Ed will lead a discussion on:
- Latest information on the legislation across the EEA – from the FCA, UK Finance, The BRC and various European Competent Authorities
- Clarify the potential and shortcomings of 3DS2 (lack of inherence capability as confirmed by the EBA in June 1019 and how this has progressed since)
- How additional tools such as behavioural biometrics can be layered into 3DS2 to provide a better customer experience, lower drop off and thus increase retailers revenue
- Utilising Delegated Authority to stay in control of the 3DS2 experience
- How retailers should plan and work towards successful implementation by the enforcement data to ensure no drop off in conversion.
More about Ed…
Ed Whitehead is the Managing Director EMEA for Signifyd, leading the team dedicated to the expansion and support of Signifyd’s EMEA ever growing client base. Prior to joining Signifyd, Ed worked at Gigya, SAP and Experian accumulating extensive knowledge across managing data and legislation surrounding Identity, Fraud, Credit and Customer Experience.
The ‘Retail Apocalypse’. It’s not the beginning of the end, it’s the end of the beginning: Pat Kelly – Principal, Alive Retail
The ‘Retail Apocalypse’. It’s not the beginning of the end, it’s the end of the beginning
The Retail industry is awash with tales of gloom and doom, as previously ‘life eternal’ household name retailers have gone to the wall and Town Centres and Malls have collapsed amid the exodus to online. But it’s not all bad news. Those retailers who have seen the true 21st century opportunities to attract and connect with consumers through a seamless on/offline offer, backed up by stunning experience and personal service, are all lining up to lead a dramatic renaissance of Retail. However, almost all of the rules of play have changed and old values have been replaced with new opportunities along the entire customer journey. We will explore what this means for all of us involved in the new Retail landscape over the coming years. There will be surprisesand even a few shocks along the way, including a radically different risk environment that will need to be expertly managed in the new ‘experience economy’ of retail.
Take-outs from Pat’s talk will include:
- The key success factors required to survive as a retailer in the 2020s
- The new performance criteria that will govern success in this new era
- How the management of Risk in this new environment has to evolve in some of the most surprising ways
How the game will change in Retail Risk Management in the brave new world
- How unforgiving margin build will be in an ever increasing cost environment
- The complexity of customer interaction and how it must be profitably managed
- The new ‘risk hotspots’ that will emerge in the new retail order
- What has to be protected in an ‘experience economy’ as opposed to a ‘consumption economy’
- How ‘personalisation’ will expose customer data and how that must be protected
More about Pat…
Pat Kelly is an International Senior Retail Executive who has been passionately involved with the Retail industry for over 40 years. Most recently at Executive leadership level in Department Stores, Fashion Multiples and Home Furnishing stores. As Principal and owner of Alive Retail, he consults with many retail organisations around the globe, helping them to navigate their way to success in the new omni channel/omni present retail environment. Outspoken, but deeply knowledgeable in his views, he revels in provoking new thinking, whilst always keeping the customer front of mind in every aspect of retail.
Addressing the increasing levels of verbal and physical abuse in the work place: Michelle Douglas – National Retail Risk Manager, River Island
Watch Michelle’s brief introductory video…
- Has your business seen a significant increase in the last year?
- What response from Police/ shopping/Town centre have you received, if any, when you have experienced abuse?
- What measures has your business put in place to support staff?
- Do you feel we could benefit sharing best practices, organising a one day event to share and support each other?
More about Michelle…
Michelle is the National Retail Risk Manager and has worked for River Island for 10 years. She currently heads up the Retail Risk department in River Island which supports 282 stores in Profit Protection and Health & Safety. Responsible for creating the River Island Retail Risk strategy, together with her team Michelle implements the strategy, which includes reducing stock loss and ensuring all stores comply with Health & Safety legislation, as well as investigation of Internal theft and ORC gangs. Michelle is passionate that River Island’s store staff are supported and equipped to deal with recent issues of verbal and violent incidents and she has developed an ongoing training programme to support all stores.
Increase sales through digital fraud prevention: Brendan Abbott – Head of Retail, Travel and Leisure, Experian
Brendan will lead a discussion on the role of machine learning in fraud prevention. The objective is to examine if deploying digital risk solutions will reduce friction at the checkout on websites, in turn increasing the number of converted sales without manual intervention resulting in increased sales. Fraud prevention efforts are aimed at stopping fraud and reducing losses, but an effective program makes it easier for good customers to do business with you. How do you achieve both?
More about Brendan…
Brendan Abbott is Head of Retail, Travel and Leisure at Experian. He has 22 years’ experience in the retail sector working for Argos, Homebase and Matalan before moving to supply retailers with services to use customer data effectively. Brendan is a Chartered Loyalty Marketing Professional.
Use AI to reduce retail losses: Enrico Montagnino – Head Of Business Unit, EMEA, Anyvision
Retailers face a constant battle to manage theft and other stock loss in their shops, in the face of ever more sophisticated and determined retail crime methods. Inventory shrinkage from shoplifting, after-hours theft, returns fraud, and security breaches costs retailers millions of pounds a year. Join NAME SPEAKER for a roundtable discussion focusing on new ways to reinforce store security to avoid stock shrinkage. The discussion will focus on:
- The changing landscape of retail crime
- How retailers make use of AI to protect their stores
- How technology can create a cycle of profit and improvement in stores
More about Enrico…
Enrico leads Anyvision’s charge for business across EMEA. He has over 20 years sales experience and a background in the IT and security industries and has worked with many applications which focus on leveraging the power of data to give clients valuable insight into their business. As industry moves towards mobile based services, he will share the innovations and benefits of AnyVision’s solutions for the retail sector.
Optimising retailers’ success: Stephen Howells – Director, Business Development & RFID Solutions, Northern Europe, Checkpoint Systems
Optimising retailers’ success
Traditional retail has moved to hybrid retail, with the many demands of the modern consumer. Retail is in a constant state of change and retailers are having to find innovative solutions that create environments, both online and offline, that push product and service boundaries. Effective smooth running of operations is essential, a chink in the value chain can disrupt the consumer experience and cost retailers. Out-of -stocks, unfulfilled orders, delayed delivery of goods, poor in-store experiences – all amount to lost sales. In this presentation Stephen will show Checkpoint’s solution-based approach – from task management solutions, point of entrance (RFID and RF antennas), vendor track and trace and sustainability, inventory accuracy – which drives visibility throughout the supply chain, data intelligence, and sharing that data to support loss prevention.
Exploring the use of RFID in the context of omni-channel
Stephen will present findings from a Europe-wide study of apparel retailers on the state of adoption of RFID against use cases in-store, with a focus on forward and reverse logistics and e-commerce ship-from-store use cases. The discussion will consider the lessons learnt from the RFID journey, plans to expand and leverage RFID, and learn from the experiences of other retailers. In particular:
- Recognising the Omni-Channel imperative. RFID has been viewed as a key driver in developing the capacity to deliver a profitable omni-channel consumer experience.
- Recognising the strategic fit of omni-channel visibility of products to the customer across a retailer’s channels.
- The driver for an accurate inventory system – meeting the challenge of offering any form of experience/pick up in-store service that is going to match and exceed the consumer’s expectations.
More about Stephen…
Since joining Symbol Technologies as a temp in 1998 Stephen remained in the Auto Identification market, naturally migrating from barcodes as the data acquisition technology of choice to being a member of the ETSI working groups that formulated the RFID standards that retailers are leveraging today. An electrical & electronic engineer with stints in Retail Supply Chain consultancy Stephen challenges the way in which technology is adopted whilst maintaining a focus on delivering value to the end user community.
Shining a light on fraud and internal theft within the largest pub chain in the world: Colin Brown – Head of Fraud, Stonegate Pub Company and Alan Grocott – UK/EU Instructor, Wicklander-Zulawski Interviewing Courses
Join Colin and Alan for an open discussion on the targeting of dishonesty within a large pub chain. Discussion points will include:
- Identifying behavioural and cultural changes needed to mitigate high level fraud and theft in pubs and bars
- Recruitment of a new team to actively target and reduce losses due to internal dishonesty
- Criteria for team selection, management structure and reporting, together with producing KPIs and objectives
- Training and development of the team and tools chosen to assist them to achieve their goals
- Encouraging a culture of challenge throughout the business whilst retaining core cultural values
- How Wicklander-Zulawski Interviewing training and the adoption of the WZ interviewing technique was integral in helping to secure objectives in a fast moving and high powered licensed trade environment
- Initial achievements, lessons learnt and challenges ahead.
More about Colin…
Colin has been a multi-site leader for nearly thirty years in the Hospitality Sector having started way back with Berni Inns. He has set up a regional hotel company from scratch and worked for some of the largest Managed Pub Companies and introduced “Sports Table Service” to Stonegate and was instrumental in developing and driving their sports proposition. In his latest role, Colin leads a new Fraud Team having established Vision and Strategy, Values and Culture, and Ways of Working and recruited a brand new team.
More about Alan…
Alan is the WZ Europe instructor, based in the UK, representing Wicklander-Zulawski and Associates Inc. (WZ). Alan has over 35 years of experience in loss prevention, investigations and interviewing, both with the Greater Manchester Police and extensively within retail, working for WH Smith, HMV and Next Plc, among others. After retiring as Head of Loss Prevention at Next PLC, Alan is now the main UK contact for all aspects of the WZ interviewing courses and has trained thousands of LP, HR and Audit professionals in the WZ method of Non Confrontational Interviewing. Alan is a Certified Forensic Interviewer.
Delivering a personal experience in an automated world: Guy Thorne – Sales Director, UK & Ireland, Cennox
This discussion will consider the importance of keeping the customer engaged and included in a changing retail environment. It also explores the reasons why retailers are keen to introduce cash automation and how staff can continue to feel included and engaged working alongside it. Topics under discussion will include:
- Keeping the customer journey alive
- Retailers and why they are keen to introduce cash automation
- Keeping staff engaged
More about Guy…
Guy sits on the Exec board for Cennox UK & Ireland, and leads the commercial development of Cennox’s sales and customer relationship division. Guy has 15 years experience spanning 3 different businesses that have focused on cash management, security and automation markets across both Retail and Banking. He has worked with some of the largest FIs and Retailer brands across the UK across a broad range of different products solutions and services and is delighted to be joining Retail Risk for the up-coming event.
Moving from rules to AI without taking a risk – how to use positive customer experience to help lower false positives: Leandro Oliveira – VP of Business Development for Western Europe and Latin America, Nethone
Everybody talks about machine learning and AI, but most merchants are still using rules to conduct payment fraud prevention. This discussion will focus on transitioning from rules to ML without taking on risk. Easier said than done? Leandro will share Nethone’s knowledge, gained all over the world, from Japan to Brazil, and now being applied in the UK. He will cover issues concerning technical aspects of machine learning solutions and its impact on everyday operations of retailers.
More about Leandro...
Leandro is the VP of Business Development at Nethone. With a background of engineering and business consulting, he is an AI enthusiast and an advocate of data usage for smart decision making. He is helping merchants in multiple geographies to automate their fraud prevention systems using ML models for more profitable and more customer-centric recommendations. He is also a guest speaker at business programs in Brazil, Spain, Israel, and the UK.
Keeping retail safe and secure: the cybersecurity and privacy angles: Antonis Patrikios – Partner, Dentons’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity Group
Recent high-profile breaches and regulatory fines remind us that retailers are not immune to the cyber threat. A serious breach may have potentially devastating consequences from a business continuity, brand and legal risk point of view. At the same time, the technologies and processes we use to protect the business, from CCTV to firewalls, from whistleblowing hotlines to DLP and SIEM, and from footfall measurement through to facial recognition technologies invariably trigger privacy considerations, which can often be difficult to navigate. This session will tackle the key cybersecurity and data privacy issues for retailer risk and loss prevention functions focusing on key dos and don’ts and the key questions to ask.
More about Antonis…
Antonis Patrikios is a partner in Dentons’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity Group. He works with a wide range of UK, EU, US and Asian clients across various sectors, including retail, fashion, fast-moving consumer goods, technology, adtech and media. He advises on all aspects of data privacy and cybersecurity law and most of his work has an international element. Antonis particularly enjoys providing strategic advice and helping clients engineer business solutions to obscure legal problems, optimize risk and unlock the value of their data. He has an extensive track record of helping clients steer through crises, such as data and cybersecurity breaches and regulatory investigations.
How to use emerging technology to mitigate the risk of a bad hire: Steven Smith – Managing Director, Sterling EMEA
UK retailers are losing almost 11 billion pounds annually due to shrinkage, more than any other European country. Controlling the risks for your organisation may seem like a constant battle, and with threats from internal fraud and theft to administrative errors, the cost of getting it wrong can be huge. Your people may be your greatest asset, but if a bad hire slips through the net they may become your weakest link.
In his round table session, Steven will explore the technology that can mitigate the risk of fraud and help to hire the right people sooner. Join him to share:
- The latest developments in technology to support human resources teams keep their organisations one step ahead of the curve
- Insight into how other organisations are mitigating risk through a real-life background screening case study
- How businesses are using technology to optimise their hiring processes and improve efficiency by hiring staff they can trust AND get them into place sooner
More about Steve…
Steve is the Managing Director for Sterling EMEA, having originally joined Sterling in 2015 as head of Sales for UK&I. Previously, Steve spent nearly 10 years at REED, the leading recruiting firm in the UK, where he worked closely with senior HR professionals and Talent Acquisition leaders across multiple sectors helping to shape successful hiring programmes. He now leads Sterling’s EMEA region, with strategic and operational responsibility for delivering robust background screening and identity solutions for clients and driving business growth for Sterling. Steve holds a BA from Cardiff University and is a regular speaker at HR and recruitment events across Europe.
How Boots’ asset protection is mitigating risk and increasing compliance with Prescriptive Analytics: Yonatan Olsha – Director of Global Sales, Zebra Analytics
How Boots’ asset protection is mitigating risk and increasing compliance with Prescriptive Analytics
To mitigate risk, retailers must implement standards and protocols across the business — but also ensure employees are complying with them. Many retailers are using prescriptive analytics, the software solution that leverages machine learning and AI to identify any opportunities to improve compliance and direct the appropriate personnel to respond. In this thought-provoking learning session, executives from Zebra Analytics and Boots UK will talk about how the latter is leveraging prescriptive analytics to ensure compliance across the business and empower its Asset Protection team to intervene with appropriate action.
It takes an army – using AI to win the battle against waste, shrink, and operational inefficiencies
AI is a hot buzzword in retail. Everyone is told they need it, but with so many vendors claiming AI functionality, how can you recognize the best type of AI for your business? Yonatan Olsha, Director of Global Sales for Zebra Analytics, now part of Zebra Technologies, will lead a roundtable discussion featuring real-world examples of AI in use in customer environments. His session will outline stories of how global retailers are using AI technology to win the battle against waste, shrink, and operational inefficiencies.
Yonatan’s session will guide participants through the benefits of collaboration across multiple departments including Loss Prevention, Operations, and Finance to drive an in-store culture of ownership and accountability. He will offer case studies that show how retailers have used AI technology like prescriptive analytics to uncover creative fraud schemes that would have otherwise gone undetected; identify training opportunities to reduce process errors; reduce waste through increased quality assurance; and find ways to increase associates’ productivity.
Be a part of this roundtable to:
- Get tips for how to strengthen store profitability
- Hear how retail peers are making the case for AI across their organization
- Learn how technology can fuel both revenue growth and career growth
More about Yonatan…
As VP of EMEA and Alliances, Yonatan is responsible for driving business efforts outside of the United States and Canada. He oversees sales, business development, and operations for EMEA. Prior to Zebra Analytics, Yonatan was a senior executive at one of Israel’s largest retail companies. He brings extensive knowledge of commercial and general management, with strategic and hands-on experiences with market-leading iconic, lifestyle, and fashion brands. Yonatan has a proven track record in business development, brand-building, creating management structures and processes, and delivering financial results. He also has an MBA from Tel Aviv University and is a certified CPA.
A briefing from the National Business Crime Centre: Patrick Holdaway – National Business Crime Centre
A briefing from the National Business Crime Centre
Patrick will deliver an update on the work of the NBCC in relation to retail and hospitality
National Business Crime Centre: consultation
An opportunity to discuss with Patrick any issues raised in his presentation, and other topics of concern to retail and hospitality
About Patrick…
Patrick is aChief Inspector from Hampshire Constabulary on secondment to the National Business Crime Centre, which is hosted by the Met Police. Patrick’s 23 years’ in the police have been in a variety of uninformed roles but always with a focus on partnership working.
Having been the business crime lead for Hampshire since 2014, Patrick has worked closely with a number of national business and agencies and developed and chaired the Safer Hampshire Business Partnership, which is made up of police, partners and businesses to identify, understand and prevent business crime
Patrick became the operational lead for the NBCC in December 2018 and aims to embed a focus on business crime in policing, targeting the issues that affect businesses so allowing them to prosper and help the communities they serve.
Too difficult to deal with? Mental ill-health in the workplace: Terry Streather – Director, Oakwood Training & Fiona Powell – Senior Associate, Specialist Employment Lawyer, Freeth
- What is ‘mental health’ and why does it matter to business.
- Why asking ‘What do we have to do?’ might be the wrong question.
- When is it a ‘disability’?
- Is an employee with a fit note automatically disabled?
- Who decides if adjustments are ‘reasonable’?
- Why relying on occupational health reports alone might not be as safe as you think.
- What if we think it’s just an excuse?
- Reasonable adjustments for conditions that are not work-related?
- Considerations for when a fit note is produced by an employee being performance managed.
- What to do if an employee doesn’t engage.
More about Terry…
Terry is a mental health and personal safety expert, with extensive experience as both a frontline practitioner and trainer.
He is helping some of the UK’s retailers look after the mental wellbeing and personal safety of their employees.
He’s passionate about helping companies create a safer, healthier workplace, by placing wellbeing at the very core of what they do. Not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes good business sense. Happy, safe employees make better employees.
As a former frontline officer and supervisor in the Police he has first-hand experience of managing personal crisis, both from members of the public and staff.
He understands that our health and the way we feel has a huge impact on the way we behave, the decisions we make and our productivity.
When he’s not teaching or speaking Terry spends much of his time running around after his 9 and 7 year old children.
More about Fiona…
Fiona is an experienced employment law specialist, providing pragmatic and commercial advice to a diverse range of clients predominantly in the retail sector. Fiona advises a number of HR teams and provides ongoing support in all elements of the employment relationship, helping to develop policy and defending litigation. Fiona regularly provides training sessions to management teams on various aspects of employment law to enable businesses to upskill their workforce and manage risk.
How I have reduced our shrink figure at All Saints: Michael Chambers – Global Senior Risk Manager
- How new EAS technology is having a dramatic effect on apparel retailers
- Consideration of RFID in the future
- Introduction of new procedures around Staff Training & Workshops
- Commencing Fitting Room controls & Incident Reporting
More about Michael…
Michael pushes the barriers to challenge not only what can be achieved from an LP perspective, but also how LP can aid the Retail world by supporting their innovations and introducing technology which they didn’t even know existed, (Smart tags/fitting rooms for instance).
He is a leader and “Go to” person in the company, regularly contributing at the highest level to other Directors in HR, Supply chain & Logistics and Finance. Added to this, his relationships with Store and Area manager teams are second to none and he is able to garner support for LP initiatives, build trust and engage in true two-way communication at every level. For over 15 years he has gathered valuable experience and now heads up Key responsibility for UK, Europe, the US and further territories across the globe.
His attention to detail, grasp of tight financial budgets and ability to manage multiple, complex projects at the same time mark Michael as one of the finest in his field. His dealings with suppliers are always professional and fair, working with big companies such as Agon, Sensormatic & HIK Vision on introducing the latest tech to the retail environment. He also supports the smaller suppliers, helping them develop and grow. He is a keen supporter of Oris & NBCS and can see the great value they add to the LP world.
As a manager of people, Michael is very supportive, particularly to his direct team. He’s approachable and down to earth and this helps his staff grow and achieve their full potential. He understands that family and home life is as important as work life – His support and thoughtfulness for colleagues who sometimes go through difficult personal circumstances means that they reach out for help without fear or being judged for it. This helps get teams members back to feeling better and performing well. This has been clearly demonstrated by the high approval ratings he always gets in feedback for his departments.
He has coached and promoted many, many people over the years and they have gone on to develop and take on senior roles across the LP and wider workplace landscape in retail, logistics and beyond.
At home, Michael and his wife, Paula, have 3 grown up children of their own and have also fostered 17 kids over the last 10 years – Many of whom have come from very difficult backgrounds where drug and alcohol abuse were commonplace.
Finally, in the world of LP, when the unexpected can occur, he has shown time and again how he has a cool head in a crisis. In cases of emergency the order of, “Get’ kettle on!” rings out and calms down those dealing with a situation… For the avoidance of doubt, If there’s any incident on the night of the awards, he likes his tea white, with 1 sugar.
No longer Just a buzzword – why Machine Learning is key for profitable fraud management & Loss Prevention: Michal Milner – Business Development Manager, Riskified
Watch Michal’s brief introductory video…
No longer Just a buzzword: why Machine Learning is key for profitable fraud management & Loss Prevention
Consumer demand, along with fierce competition, are forcing merchants to provide new and innovative business flows, fast. Trying to meet consumer demand and keep up with the competition is making it hard for merchants to perceive what their shopping funnel will look like a year down the road. In their efforts to allow shoppers to buy anything, anytime and anywhere, online merchants are introducing new vulnerabilities into their payment flows that bad players can abuse. There is a need to identify shopping journeys from multiple geographies and devices, while managing fraud profiles for a growing range of products. At the same time, merchants are being pressed to minimize friction and to make checkout fast and easy, while keeping bad players out. So it’s no wonder that machine learning has become pivotal for merchants trying to mitigate risk in an age defined by massive data streams. In this session, we’ll demonstrate how Machine Learning can help merchants analyse and track data at scale, in order to identify vulnerabilities, pre-empt fraud and support expansion and growth.
The European eCommerce fraud landscape: future proofing your operation
The European eCommerce market is growing. Internet penetration is close to saturation in many markets, and eCommerce growth is outpacing brick & mortar. Aside from that, regulations and politics – from PSD2 to Brexit – are having a direct impact on the way people buy, where they buy from, how they pay for it and more. Join our discussion to learn and contribute about current and future forces shaping European eCommerce, to help strategize growth and risk.
- Changing/emerging fraud trends in Europe
- Fraud management under PSD2
- New payment methods and vulnerabilities
- Channel alignment to support new business flows
More about Michal…
Michal Milner is a Business Development Manager at Riskified, the global leader in end-to-end fraud prevention. Riskified helps eCommerce merchants including Air Europa,, and many other global brands to increase conversion rates by protecting and improving every stage of the buyer journey.
Prior to joining Riskified, Michal managed partnerships at an organization dedicated to developing cooperation in the Middle East around green-tech projects.
Michal graduated from the London School of Economics and Political Science with an MSc in International Relations. She wrote her thesis on the politics of data privacy in the post-Snowden era. She also holds a BA and MA in History from the Tel Aviv University.
The disruptive future of Retail: Tony D’Onofrio – CEO, TD Insights
Watch Tony’s brief introductory video…
The disruptive future of Retail
Tony will provide a 2020 fast-paced visual review of the state, and growth opportunities, of the global retail industry. He will cover: retail shrink and leading technologies being applied; the industry’s digital transformation currently underway; online versus physical stores survival strategies; and the emerging consumer trends that will revolutionize the store of the future.
The Disruptive future of Retail Loss Prevention
As the retail industry transforms, how is the loss prevention function responding? What are the key priorities? Which emerging technologies are being tested and why?
More about Tony…
Tony D’Onofrio is CEO of the consultancy firm TD Insights where he is recognized as a global social media influencer in retail, security, and emerging technologies. Tony is listed as a top 100 Global Retail Influencer 2019 and publishes regularly on multiple global platforms including his own website.
Tony is currently a Board Member of multiple private equity advanced technologies portfolio companies, regularly mentors Silicon Valley start-ups, and is on the Board of Advisors for the Loss Prevention Research Council.
Previously, Tony was Chief Customer Officer (CCO) at Tyco Retail Solutions (now Sensormatic), part of Johnson Controls. At Sensormatic, he managed global customer relationships, marketing, source tagging, and transitioning key security solutions into “as a service” models. His career has included executive roles in both security and information technologies companies. Tony is a graduate of Case Western Reserve University (BA) and Cleveland State University (MBA) in USA.
How climate change is a risk to the bottom line: Ellie Mulholland – Climate Risk Governance Team, Minter Ellison & Executive Director, Commonwealth Climate and Law initiative
How climate change is a risk to the bottom line
- consider climate change-related risks through the lens of financial materiality;
- outline major recent developments in climate change risk governance and disclosure;
- look into the horizon to emerging issues for 2020 and beyond, and practical risk-management responses.
Climate change: addressing the risks to your bottom line
- What does climate change mean your value chains, from upstream supply, within retail fencelines and downstream consumption?
- How advanced is your approach to climate risk stress-testing and scenario planning?
- Have can retail businesses work to review major product supply and logistics contracts, pro formas and end-to-end processes to account for relevant climate risks?
- How can retail businesses build board, executive and organisational understanding of the relevant risks and reasonable precautions in the context of emerging climate change impacts?
How to measure the success of fraud prevention tool: Shahar Levy – Head Of Analytics, Fraugster
Watch Shahar’s brief introductory video…
Join Shahar in this discussion to consider what is the most interesting and relevant data, and how to analyse it. In particular:
- Understanding the payment flow from the moment of payment until transaction maturation.
- What is transaction maturation? How to measure a fraud solution & how long it takes.
- Understanding your sales funnel: the difference between decline rate, conversion rate and good user decline rate, and why you should care about all of them.
- Calculating your bottom line: the impact of chargeback liability.
More about Shahar…
Shahar is a seasoned Risk Analyst with a wealth of experience analysing different payment methods across various regions. Adept at managing portfolios, he is highly-skilled at both handling varying risk profiles & developing appropriate strategic solutions for clients. Having worked in large multinational organizations as well as startup environments, he has cultivated a transferable skill set and an agile approach to his work, which he instills into his team of analysts & data scientists at Fraugster. In addition to his daily tasks at Fraugster, he frequently represents the company on industry panels. As an accomplished public speaker he is prized for his thought leadership.
eRisk discussion panel: how to stay up to speed with tackling fraud in the fast-evolving world of digital retail.
Topics will include:
- Scripted BOTS
- Fraud platforms (ML & AI)
- Brute Force Attacks
- Friendly fraud
Panel members…
Andy Wainwright – Loss Prevention Manager, NEXT Directory, NEXT
Andy currently leads the Next online loss prevention team, having previously implemented a business-wide online fraud strategy across the entire credit life-cycle at another online retailer. His team were voted online loss prevention team of the year in 2018. Andy has worked in the fraud industry for fifteen years and has significant experience in managing the investigation and prevention of internal and external crime within the financial, insurance, telecommunication and retail sectors.
John Low – Head of Risk, Game Retail
John heads up all risk function teams for the national high street chain Game Digital Ltd along with the Player 1 Events and the Belong brands where over the last eleven years he has held risk management and senior operational positions. His wide-ranging responsibilities include Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), internal audit (UK and Spain), insurance, information Security, Loss Prevention, Multi-Channel Fraud Payments and Health & Safety. John has a strong and diverse retail background having previously worked for a number of UK big retail brands including the Co-operative Group (food) in senior operational roles and the retail management section of Bass. He is also currently a member of the Institute of Risk management (IRM) and the serving chairperson of the omni channel ORIS forum committee that has extensive retail high street representation. He has previously provided voluntary service to influential groups and forums having worked with the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC) and the Home Office on the roundtable “tackling the market for stolen goods” and on two working groups for the prevention of acquisitive crime.
Antonis Patrikios – Partner, Dentons UK and Middle East
Antonis Patrikios is a partner in Dentons’ Global Privacy and Cybersecurity Group. He works with a wide range of UK, EU, US and Asian clients across various sectors, including retail, fashion, fast-moving consumer goods, technology, adtech and media. He advises on all aspects of data privacy and cybersecurity law and most of his work has an international element. Antonis particularly enjoys providing strategic advice and helping clients engineer business solutions to obscure legal problems, optimize risk and unlock the value of their data. He has an extensive track record of helping clients steer through crises, such as data and cybersecurity breaches and regulatory investigations.
Ensuring staff safety in a Cash Management process: Gareth Skinner – Head of Operational Risk, G4S Cash Solutions
Gareth will lead a discussion on the challenges to retailers in ensuring the safety of their staff, and how appropriate controls around cash management can mitigate these risks. Focus areas will include:
- Cash security best practice
- Balancing risk, site cash-limits, and cash-flow
- Technology-led innovation to mitigate cash management risks
More about Gareth…
Gareth joined G4S Cash Solutions in 2007. He has held his current role since 2015 and is the Chair of the G4S Crisis Management Team. Gareth became the Chair of the Cash & Valuables in Transit Section of the British Security Industry Association (BSIA) in October 2019. His team cover CVIT operations across 30 UK cash holding facilities and 1,400 cash vehicles.
Prior to joining G4S, Gareth spent 12 years as a Senior Inspector in the Hong Kong Police Force before returning to the UK in 2006. Serving during the 1997 handover to China, his postings included command of Armed Response Units, Force Command & Control, Asset Tracing & Intelligence, and Cadre Bomb Disposal Officer, specialising in Improvised Explosive Devices.
Safer cities – facial recognition and live streaming: Kenny Long – UK Business Development Lead, Facial Recognition, Digital Barriers
This is an opportunity to discuss facial recognition and live streaming, any issues you may be having, and bust the myths.